Spiritual Practices Should Not Bypass Living A Physical Life

Back in the spring I was talking to a girlfriend of mine and she was raving about how she loved working with crystals, tarot cards, and reiki. She was new to “spiritual stuff”. And after hearing all of her excitement, she said something along the lines of “If I could do this stuff all day, I would. Normal life sucks.”


Her words stopped me dead in my tracks, because I was once that girl. The girl who would rather spend the day astral travelling to Ancient Egypt, or connecting a rose quartz crystal to her heart to feel more self-love and to eliminate the “bad vibes” her fellow classmates were carrying. I could do that for days on end, and I enjoyed it much more than attending my high-school accounting class or engaging in typical teenage drama (I started my spiritual path very young)…. No, I wasn’t a typical stoner that used marijuana, but in a way, I was a spiritual stoner trying to bypass my physical life because I wasn’t happy with it.


Now, this world is a bit chaotic, and society needs to change a lot of things. But, here’s the thing… we are spiritual beings having a physical experience here on this earth. What you do in this lifetime matters, and there is a purpose and reason behind it.


Whatever spiritual practice, hobby, path, or tool you choose to pick up, you need to make sure that it is enhancing your physical life along with your spiritual, mental, and emotional world. You should be using it to bring light into your being, to align with your spirit, so that you can take action in your life to make it better. Which also means knowing how to administer this spiritual essence and higher vibrational energy to build systems, networks, and environments that serve and support your highest potential.


Your physical life as a spiritual being should be GOOD. You should never use spirituality to run away from your physical life or your problems.


You can connect with a rose quartz all day, but if you’re a Fairweather friend and have shitty relationships, solely connecting with a crystal or cutting off your friends in the name of “boundaries” won’t help. You have to go do something to repair and enhance the relationship. Instead, you can use the rose quartz as a tool to fill you with the vibration of love so that you can go out and build loving relationships.  

It’s no different than the person who treats their body like garbage and expects a couple Reiki sessions to fix all of their health issues. Sure, Reiki is powerful, and I love it, but it will never make you healthy if you refuse to follow the science that is required to take care of your physicality.


As a spiritual being, you don’t have to be of the world (and all of its woes and drama), but you definitely should be in it. In fact, you need to be in it in order to live a good life and to live as a wise spiritual being. Until the day you die, you will be in this physical density, and you’re here for an important reason, so don’t try to bypass it.


Spirit is good, and your physical life should be too.





How The Modern Mystery School guided me from Zero to Hero