Release old baggage & activate your life's purpose!

Are you in mental or emotional pain? Are you stressed? Do you want to show up as a better parent, partner, or leader for the people around you?

The Life Activation session works to release baggage and programming that no longer serves us. This modality also balances, harmonizes, and aligns our energy structures so that we can receive divine energy to help give us the clarity to move forward in alignment with our true desires. 

After this session, the roadmap to a successful, joyful, and abundant life begins to unfold!

After experiencing this modality, you should feel:

  • peaceful

  • energized

  • renewed 

  • ready to create change

With this session, you will also receive Purificato & Crystalis; two chakra sprays that assist in the healing process. You will also experience consultations before and after the session.

​​​In order to ensure quality of the modality, The Modern Mystery School has annual re-certification for all Professional Life Activation Practitioners so that each client is receiving the modality in its purest form. For a list of certified practitioners, please click here.


The Second Step of the Life Activation

Are you tired of living in mediocracy? Do you suffer from negative emotions and always feel overstimulated? Do you want to change this?

This activation focuses on unblocking channels of awareness within the body and mind. This will result in your ability to experience a more whole life, cultivate more joy, fight personal apathy, and boost your connection to nature, the universe, and the people around you.

** Pre-requisite: Life Activation.


Activate your excitement for life!

  • Are you suffering from burnout?

  • Do you lack excitement and desire in your life?

  • Do you wish you had more energy to complete day-to-day tasks?

The Fire Soul Activation works to infuse the energy of fire into your soul while activating your Kundalini energy. 

The element of fire correlates to your willpower, action, purification, sex, creativity, courage, and more! If you are lacking any of these energies in your life, this session will work wonders for you!

** Pre-requisite: Life Activation.


Unlock your inner strength & align with your mission!

  • Do you lack courage, discipline, and/or the will to create your dream life?

  • Do you need to realign with your goals?

  • Are you hesitant to make a big decision or change in your life?

The Core Will Activation reconnects reconnects you to your ability to make the right choices without the emotional/mental baggage that clouds your judgement.

Benefits of this session include:

  • greater discernment

  • be better able to expand past your comfort zone

  • increased good fortune!

This session realigns you with the will of your higher self! 

**Pre-requisite: Life Activation.

Ensofic Ray Healing Modality™

The most luxurious Reiki you can get your hands on.

Do you suffer from physical pain? Is your body and mind never able to relax? Do you want to live a healthy and happy life?

This 3-session healing modality is designed to re-establish the natural flow of chi/ki energy using traditional hands-on healing techniques.

Unlike traditional hands-on/reiki healings, The Ensofic Ray is a customizable modality that is also designed to heal more than just the physical body. It works to clear mental and emotional blockages, bad habits, and mental stress for a full-spectrum healing.

Although not mandatory, its recommended to receive a Life Activation session prior to experiencing the Ensofic Ray modality. Special discounted pricing available for bundling the two together.

Additional Sessions

General Maintenance sessions that help keep you on track to live a healthy & happy life

Relationship Cord Cutting
& Negative Energy Removal

Do you struggle to have good relationships? Have you recently been in an argument with someone and the situation is mentally and emotionally draining you? Do you want to show up as a better partner, parent, friend, or leader for the people in your life?

This session will cut away negative emotions and patterns within your relationships to bring you the space to re-direct the relationship to a better place.

This will help you to feel better, and it will help you to show up as a better person for the people in your life, which breeds healthier relationships.

This session is great for people who have recently gone through a breakup or divorce **

For more information, check out this article!

Aura Clearings

Are you struggling with negative emotions, self-sabotage, bad time management, and an overall lack of energy?

Aura clearings are designed to patch up holes and clear blockages in the aura that create leaks in our energy. After receiving an Aura Clearing, you'll feel calm, energized, and ready to focus on the things that matter most to you.


Seal the aura with agape (love) and chi energy to enhance your immunity and vitality!


Use earthly energies to clear & seal the aura and etheric field. Experience additional grounding!


This clearing specifically targets the negative emotions that are stagnant within the aura. Come out of this session more in-tune with your positive emotions!

Hermetic Guidance

Do you need someone to keep you on track with your goals?

These sessions are designed to help you better understand who you are, why you’re here, and how to create a life that is most in alignment with your highest good and your life’s work/mission. Unlike energy healings and activations where the practitioner is doing all the work, these sessions require you to dig deep and get honest about your life - the good and the bad - so that we can create a game-plan for you to achieve your dream life.

These consulting plans often go hand-in-hand with 1:1 breakthrough sessions and the energy healings for the optimal results!

Chakra Balancing

Do you need a pick me up of vitality and good immunity?

This session is designed to balance your chakras so that light and energy can properly flow through your central core.

This session is an effective and affordable way to boost your mood and physical health!

Angelic Sealing

Are you an empath? Do you feel other people’s negative emotions easily? Does it distract you from getting work done and enjoying your day?

This session takes preventative action to seal your auric and etheric body to stop negative energy from penetrating your auric field.

This modality is excellent for people who are sensitive to environments and the people around them. It’s also great for people who work with lots of other people, or people who travel a lot.

This modality pairs well with a Cord Cutting & Negative Energy Removal session.

Hermetic Soul Retrieval

Have you recently gone through a traumatic life experience? Do you feel like you just can’t get your life back to normal?

When we experience trauma and stress, we can sometimes scatter our energy field and it can feel like parts of us are missing. Symptoms of this look like forgetting about one of your favourite hobbies, feeling anti-social, not looking forward to things that used to bring you joy, a lack of direction in life, and a sense of hopelessness.

The Hermetic Soul Retrieval works to bring you back to centre so that you can be present in every moment.